What happens at a Permanent Orders Hearing?
Jennifer McDonald discusses what happens at a Permanent Orders hearing for divorce and child custody cases in the State of Colorado. A...

Four Family Law Terms You Should Know
When you begin the divorce or child custody process, there is often a learning curve as you start to hear legal terms that you do not...

What is a Child and Family Investigator (CFI)?
What is a child and family investigator? Your family law attorney may be suggesting you get a child and family investigator, or maybe the...

What is a prenuptial agreement?
A prenuptial agreement, sometimes called a "prenup," is a legally binding contract between two people who intend to marry. A prenuptial...

Simple timeline of the divorce process in Colorado.
Getting divorced can be a lengthy and time consuming process in the State of Colorado. For many years, we told clients that the process...

Planning your summer vacation after divorce.
Planning for summer starts early, especially for divorced parents. It is time to get out your Parenting Plan and start scheduling your child

Happy International Women's Day!
March 8th is International Women’s Day, celebrated throughout the world to as a day of recognition and celebration of the political, economi

What will the Court Consider When Deciding Parenting Time and Decision-Making for Your Child?
If you have children, and you are thinking about getting a divorce, or if you are looking to establish a custody proceeding in Colorado,...