6860 S. Yosemite Court, Suite 2000, Centennial, CO 80112
Tel: 303-991-2740

An Estate Plan includes a number of documents in which you provide instructions and declarations for your wishes in the event that you are incapacitated or your die. A good estate plan includes more than a Will, and lets you make decisions before your death and after.
It is important to talk to an attorney about what documents are appropriate for your individual needs. Contact us today for a consultation.
Your Last Will and Testament designates how you want your assets to pass after you death, and lets you name a person to administer your estate. You also want a Will if you need to name guardians for your minor children.
Medical Power of Attorney
A Medical Power of Attorney lets you name an Agent to act on your behalf to make health care decisions while you are living but unable to make decisions for yourself.
A Trust lets you provide instructions for how your assets should be managed during your lifetime, and after your death. You will name a Trustee. It is important to speak with an attorney to determine if this document is necessary for you.
Advanced Directive
An Advanced Directive is sometimes called a Living Will. This document allows you to explain what kind of medical treatment, and advanced measures, you would like a hospital to take if you are unable to communicate your wishes and you have a terminal condition or you are in a persistent vegetative state.
Financial Power of Attorney
A General Durable Power of Attorney lets you name a person to act on your behalf for financial issues. This document allows your agent to manage your finances during your life, if you are incapacitated.
Declaration of Disposition of Last Remains
Lets you give instructions on what should happed to your body after your death.